Friday 2 November 2012

Proton dan Honda berkerjasama

Sejak dahulu, masyarakat malaysia disogokkan dengan ungkapan kereta tin milo, harga mahal kualiti tidak ada, kereta luar teknologi hebat ahrga tak turun, dan bermacam2 momokan lain.

Moga kemampuan kereta tempatan dapat dipertingkatkan lagi supaya setanding dengan kereta jenama antarabangsa. Tahniah kepada Proton, moga dengan kerjasama industri automotive luar negara dapat memebantu mengembangkan lagi kemajuan teknologi kereta buatan tempatan..\

Credit: The Star

KUALA LUMPUR: Proton and Honda have signed an agreement to explore collaboration opportunities in the areas of technology enhancement, new product line-up, and sharing of platforms and facilities.

DRB-Hicom, in a statement to Bursa Malaysia, said Proton Holdings Berhad, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company entered into a collaboration agreement Monday with Honda Motor Co, one of the leading global manufacturers and distributors of motor vehicles, to explore collaboration opportunities in these areas.
It said the agreement signified the potential of a long-term strategic collaboration with Honda.

"Having a strong and renowned global automotive player like Honda as the foreign strategic partner to Proton will provide Proton and the DRB-Hicom group with the opportunity to grow as an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) as the opportunities are endless.

"This collaboration will provide positive impact to Proton and the DRB-Hicom group in the long run," it added.

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